cluttering the net since 2001

all there is...is this - poem

Monday, May. 27, 2002
All there is...is this

You are different better
Sadly beautiful
Depressingly happy
An unsent letter
Written by a fool

You are so many things
But I�m always left with a dream
You remain mere silence
That never competes to
Win over my scream

You are a nightmare
Chasing me in the dark
I keep reminding myself
To stop running
But your fire is so searing
I�m too afraid of the beauty
Of your tiny sparks

Screw me back to the stars
Hang me from your sky
Kiss me into oblivion
Electrocute me as I cry

Write away all of my words
Until you�ve sucked my last wish
I sigh when you speak to me
Wrinkling underneath my clothes
Flesh against flesh like bliss

Reality comes back to me
And this�..me searching
This is all there ever is
11:54 p.m. ::
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