cluttering the net since 2001

conversing bucky-like

Friday, May. 24, 2002

Taking �Bucky� to school this morning�

�Is the concert tonight?�

�No bud�it�s not until next Friday night.Why?�

�I just wanted to know because I�m excited.�


�Hey Mom�.this is my first concert.I never went to one before.And they�re going to play your song.That�s pretty tight.�


Ya know�.neat, cool.Um�when something was cool when you were 9 what did you say it was?�

�I said it was cool I guess�

hmmm that�s tight.�

There�s never a conversation that I have with my son that I don�t feel grateful for.Except for maybe this one�

�Go clean up your bedroom, it�s a pigpen�

�I don�t want to�

�I didn�t ask you if you wanted to, I asked you to just go clean it up�

�Man, I have to do everything I don�t want to do�

�So do I !!!�

�When am I going to be able to do what I want to do?�

�Never, I�m &* years old and I still can�t do whatever I want to do, that�s life!�

�Life stinks!Can�t I clean it later?�

�Yes you can clean it later.�


�Ok Bucky�.It�s later now!�

�..ya know�I really love that kid�.

8:41 a.m. ::
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