cluttering the net since 2001

Dear BraN??

Thursday, Jul. 07, 2005
As some of you know..I have a good friend who lives in London, England. I can't wait to hear back from him. I have stayed silent and yet only because I won't ever find the words.


I have spent my entire day affixed to the television set watching the horror�s that have befallen your sweet country today.I, whom call myself a writer, have had difficulty coming up with the words that I wish to convey to my only beloved Engerrrrland friend.

Trust me when I say that if I had international calling privileges on my cellular I would have called you immediately and I hate myself for not being able to do so.

I watched with grief, panic, and memory of similar events my own country has experienced, and yet there was a part of me that felt that because of you the world is not so small or even so vast.Meaning, I live worlds away and yet because of the friendship we forged, and despite the recent months of absolute silence I know that you envelope all that is good and right in this world and I just wanted to hug you and know that you are ok.

I trust in my faith that there is a higher power in this world that you are safe and sound and while you may be shattered in spirit and fearful of the loss of a sense of self safety, that you are surrounded with your family and friends and lots of love and support.

I know my words are weak and at best they merely let you know that my heart broke today to see what evil can do in such a long held city of civility and respect.I wish you much peace in the near future and always.

As always, thanks for that gift you bestowed upon me so many many years ago�.the gift of friendship despite miles and distance.Having known you has changed who I will forever be.

Please reply and let me know that you are okay�.

Your bestest American friend who is concerned,


9:37 p.m. ::
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