cluttering the net since 2001

funning with bry

Friday, Dec. 06, 2002
I have this ongoing funniness going on with Bry. He sends me the funniest shortest emails of anyone I know. It�s like after you talk to a person for so long there�s a banter that just happens, a language you create with only that person. He steals my phrasing and words all the time, and I always act completely offended and tell him to stop, but it�s all in fun and laughter. Funning with Bry is kewl.

Bry: Workie workie!

Me: Why are you awake at 8 a.m. when you're off?????

Bry: Just woke up early I guess.......*shrugs*

Me: This is a kwisty copyright infringement fine! You are hereby being fined $100 for use of words that are not trademarked to your character. Please pay promptly. There are imprisonment laws regarding this infraction.

Bry: I'll just take the jail time your Honor.............I'm too tight to cough up $100.00!

Me: They DO NOT have soap on a rope where I am sending YOU therefore you will change your tight ways!

Bry: No soap on a rope? Hmm, that's ok cuz I only take bubble baths!! ;-)

Me: The following words or phrases are off limits due the fact that they are mine or I have taken the efforts to steal them properly from others and therefore they are NOW mine!

Ugh ugh ugh
*spanks* (meaning thank you)

First infractions of the law will be excused and you will be informed that they have added the �off limits� list and you will be fined accordingly afterwards.

Furthermore, my prison system has no bathtubs, just a hose sticking out of the wall for you to stand under!!

Bry: UGH UGH UGH!!! No bathtub??? I'm tiwed already cuz I got up so early.....*shrugs*

I got a go'zillion things to do later so I may need a nap......I'll try and keep the wordage thing to a minumum..........spanks!!

He's a riot! I also need to add the following:

Fuckstick (this definition is top secret)
Buttsmack (not sexual, a term for a loser)

And�one of my current favorites�

�Banking� (as in saving cash, used in the following manner �I am hanging out because I�m banking.�)
9:50 a.m. ::
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