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Monday, Oct. 30, 2006
Recently I can�t concentrate on anything for very long. I don�t know what that�s about. I�m also always tired on Monday�s as my sleep schedule goes to heck and back on Friday night and Saturday night and then on Sunday night I�m not sleepy and get no sleep and then on Monday afternoon I am dying tired. It sucks

I�ve been off of school for the last week (a week break between classes keeps me sane). I�ve done a lot of reading. I read The Tenth Circle by Jodi Picoult and now I�m reading Plain Truth by her as well. Something about her books reminds me of Danielle Steele�s only in that there is a formula she has. If you read more than one of her books you�ll know what I mean. However, they suck you in with their amazing story lines. It�s nice to sit and read without anything but joy. The joy of getting lost in a well written story. He dialogue skills amaze me. When I was writing �Infection� years ago I had the most difficulty with writing dialogue. I can tell a story if I�m just writing a blog entry. But I can�t write a conversation very well. I think this is surely something that comes with practice, and time. At least I hope so.

Nanowrimo is starting up on November first and I have decided to jump back in there with my previous 18,000 words as a head start. Hey this is fair because I�m also a full time employee, mom and student. I have to have that head start and besides if I don�t get to 50,000 words that�s ok too. I just want to go back to where I left off and try to get my groove back. That�s my main goal. I only have what I wrote in paper format so that�ll need re-typed again one day. But for now I just want to write more. This effort is strongly fueled by �his� attempts to get me to finish this task as he was reading along years ago and wants his weekly soap opera. I have missed my main character and am looking forward to crawling back into his demented mind.

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I haven�t been that excited about this diary lately. Weeks go by entirely and I realized I haven�t said a word. This is because things are good�.they are very busy but also very good. I can only gush about my life so often before even I want to gag. The only major concern in my life right now is my health and I have managed to put that worry on the back burner until December. I am surprised at the fact that once I make a decision to do that I am rather successful at getting on with the task of living and enjoying life as it is now. I just finished the second month of provera and I�m awaiting the red dot to arrive. I�m feeling good physically though and sticking to the diet thing fairly well. I do go out and enjoy some things I probably shouldn�t but I�m not binging and purging in the diet area where I starve myself and then eat something amazingly bad for me. I�m learning moderation very well.

I�m wracking my brain thinking of things to share�.and once again�.nothing.

12:31 p.m. ::
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