cluttering the net since 2001

slap my ass and pull my hair...I still don't care

Wednesday, Aug. 03, 2005
There�s an angel on one shoulder that says �no no you should do the right thing and go to class� There�s an angel on the left shoulder that says �forget it�.we�re both so lost you know it�s a waste of time, we�re going to flunk anyways, we don�t have our homework done because we couldn�t figure it out�.

And there�s a monkey on my back that�s letting my messages go straight to voice mail.

The devil wins! Ice cream and bookstores and fuck it�s for all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yes even I have irresponsible days��and THIS is it!

Editorial additional note: (3:26 p.m.) My apartment complex manager knocked � of the rent off for the month of August to cover the lost food costs incurred months ago and the cost of my dry cleaning bill. And I actually was "nice" like my fiance and called and thanked him for finally making things more right than wrong. I told him and I quote, "Yes I am a bitch when things aren't as they should be...but hopefully after a gew g'zillion years of being married to the "nice" one his nice'ness will rub off on me!"

In addition a classmate of mine offered to come into the campus early and help me complete my homework�.so the devil in me has been silenced and I will go to class like a good little girl.

Wow what an hour will change�.
2:49 p.m. ::
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