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FGGTRO...take 2

Saturday, Nov. 12, 2005
I never answered Rebecca from �Florida Girls Getting their Read ON� the first time because these sorts of female gatherings make me excited but nervous as hell. Women getting together�..I fear walking into a chicken coop situation. I don�t want to be part of a catty get together, but as you can see Rebecca has it goin� on. And she wants to make turkey for a group of strangers? Turkey has no carbs�count my fat ass in! I�m now getting excited and I AM GOING to call Rebecca before this weekend is up. I also have no excuses because I already own the book in question and I have read it. And I loved it. I can easily read it again without taking away from anything. Imagine my week that week.

Tuesday night � New Book Club get together.

Wednesday night � Carla arrives from Toronto

Thursday � Thanksgiving

Friday � set up and prepare for wedding foray

Saturday � get married!!!!!!

I need need need to find something to do on Monday night�. :-) I really am feeling so happy�.stressed�but I�m very happy too. I love that this club wants to meet on a weekday night over a weekend day�.those are already planned for school and work needs. This is perfect. I�ve wanted to join a book club for ten years now�. Tonight Rick and I are thinking of going to St. Petersburg�s Ribfest I�m going to try to talk him into going tomorrow to see Foreigner. Yah who doesn�t love Lou? But then again today it�s all about Night Ranger�..�Sister Christian oh your time has come��� and tomorrow is �Are you Ready FOR some FOOTBALL????� day in Rick�s world. :-) St. Petersburg�s Ribfest is all about charity�.nice.

From: "rebecca"
To: perpalrane@, brittion@, rcs@, [email protected], gail@, p@, meredithann@,

CONRAD@, [email protected]

Subject: "Floridian Girls Getting Their Read On" Book Club Gathering

Date: Sat, 12 Nov 2005 10:36:58 -0500

Good morning!

I have been gathering suggestions and best dates/times to meet. It is important to me that I make every attempt so everyone can make it. Here is what you had to say....

I am very excited about our Book Club and look forward to meeting all of you! We have had suggestions to read Classics, suggestion to have monthly dinners (restaurant or pot luck) and so far it appears Tuesday nights and weekdays are the only times that are not good to meet.

With the holidays around the corner, I did want to get our first gathering in. We can make a group decision on how we want to handle the holidays and with not too much time lapse.

I want leave it open for those who may not have plans...Keep in the back of your mind....I usually try to open my home to others that may not have family in the area. It is my daughter and myself, in which my daughter spends some of the day with her dad and family.

Drum roll please..........

Our KICKOFF MEETING for "Floridan Girls Getting Their Read On" will be held:

Monday 11-21st (due to holiday) @ 7:00pm. We will more than likely meet on Wednesdays @ 7pm going forward. Length of gathering will depend...It looks like 1 to 1.5 hours. Place for Kickoff: Rebecca's house�(address removed) Phone #(removed). **We will have a different place/host for each gathering**

Action Needed: Please RSVP that you plan to attend (if you are bringing guest) and RSVP on Thanksgiving potluck

Monthly theme: Thanksgiving potluck--I know there will be a lot of cooking later in the week, but thought we could share good food with new friends at our first meeting! Please reply to ALL with your name and email address below with item that you are willing to bring (remember, doesnt have to be homemade, sometimes my motto is "quick and easy"...Of course, should you decide to make homemade, feel free to share your recipe with us! Also, it doesnt have to be anything expensive, you can bring paper products, drinks etc....

Rebecca: Turkey and dessert

Book of choice: A Million Little Pieces by James Frey ***Please let me know if you have recently read this as it was a recent Oprah choice***

We will come up with another choice. Plan to read the first two chapters before our gathering.

Please feel free to email or call with any questions or concerns you may have.

I am looking forward to meeting you all! As always, if you know someone interested, please feel free to bring them along. We did have one member suggest to limit the number of members which I think is a great idea. Keeps the focus, an intimate discussion...

Have a great day!


3:54 p.m. ::
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