cluttering the net since 2001

Bucky in the sky with sunshine diamonds

Friday, Jan. 04, 2002

*sigh* I am �Buckyless�. I don�t know how I can stand this. He and I were sitting down at the airport waiting for his Daddy to get us each a drink from Starbucks and he looked at me with that cutie p�tutie grin and he said, �I love you Mommy�. Awwwwww that almost did it. I felt the tears trying to rip their way out of my eyes. I simple said, �I love you more!� He said, �I love you most� to which I squealed out very fast �I love you more than most�I win I win I win!!!� (A verbal exchange game we�ve been playing since he could comprehend �about age 4 �)

He was loaded down with snacks and game boy advanced and that smiley face and he was all fidgety and full of energy. I told him I was gonna clean his room while he�s gone and he said, �That�s why I�m staying with Grammy & Pappy for 6 days so you can do a good �jobbie bobbie�. (jobbie bobbie is another long running mommy phrase!) He pulled out my work phone number scratched in his best 9 year old chicken scratch and told me �Don�t worry I have your number!�

The airport was pretty dead. I was surprised. And they ran him right through security. The last thing I saw was his back turning around the corner�I hope that image doesn�t haunt me for life. Right now as I type this he�s still on the plane I think. Security would only let one of us walk down the last gate runway with him and I let his Daddy go cause I knew that I would bawl like a baby. They took off walking and he ran back one last time to tell me �I�m coming back Mommy�.I promise!�

That one line�it showed me that last years events had long lasting affect on him. He knows how scared I am and exactly why. And he�s not afraid, but he�s reassuring me. What a sweet child that god blessed me with. Thank you! Awwww I made it all this way and now I�m concealing a stray tear at work�.damn�

I�m just so very proud of that kid.

While I waited for husband to come back so we could leave I read the latest copy of Spin and some asshole wrote the editor telling him that Kurt Cobain was a loser and was given too much credence in their last article or something to that affect. If someone out there has a copy of that Cobain article from last year can ya send me a copy (like maybe via fax)? Spanks! I�d like to read that sucker. But how could anyone say anything bad about Kurt Cobain. I doubt seriously he �offed� himself for fame after death rather he �offed� himself in my opinion because of fame in life. He woulda maybe �offed� himself famous or not famous but to disregard his talent? Fuck that idiot who said that. I would name that bastard but the magazines lying in the back of my vehicle. I think Kurt paved a path for a change in genre for music. I think he�s the male equivalency to Ani. But that�s just my humble opinion.

I also bought a copy of Oprah�s latest magazine. Outside of the book section what a load of total fucking hooey! Blah blah blah blah! There was however an article in there about truth and honesty with a giant picture of Pinocchio with a giant lying ass nose. Yipes! I turned that page quickly and then I thought I might just cut that fucker out and tack it to my bulletin board to remind myself how shitty lying made me feel. Or maybe I should buy myself a stuffed Pinocchio or something to remind myself not to lie.
Ie: �no I don�t have a diary�I don�t I don�t� Fuck!!!!! I hate this!

I�m really gonna miss that kid! I do already� When husband and I drove back from the airport and he told me �I know that was a very hard thing for you to do�thank you for letting my parents spend time with him�I appreciate it.� I said �you owe me big!� After all Bucky just went to see the same two people that lied to me last year about his whereabouts. I don�t want to harbor a grudge or anything but you know what??? Fuck them. I didn�t allow this action for anyone�s benefit but Buckys. He loves them. I�ll suffer with worry to see him happy. It�ll be hazy without that little sunshine. And it should prove to be interesting to see what stuff flies when we have the freedom to speak to each other without our son�s presence. Scary thought�.

Added on @ 11:24 a.m.
Just got an email from �him� that started�

"I wonder if you�re at work. By now your son is in the sky on his way to PA. I know you�ll miss him��"

I really appreciate his support.

�You are my sunshine
My only sunshine
You make me happy when skies are gray
You�ll never know dear
How much I love you
Please don�t take my sunshine away..."
10:50 a.m. ::
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