cluttering the net since 2001

follow up

Wednesday, Jul. 12, 2006
I wanted to let you all know that your support and kind words of encouragement have meant a great deal to me. To say I sometimes hesitate to be open here anymore is an understatement. My son reads this from time to time as he likes to see how I�m doing with school, etc. But I�m positive he wants his Mom to be happy no matter what just as I wish nothing less for him.

But to decide to be open about it so that I can work my way through it with an outlet, and then have people rally behind me was a nice side effect. Thank you all!

I�ve set a doctor�s appointment for July 20th whereby I can discuss the results of yesterday�s tests with my general doctor then and see where we go from there. The next 8 days are going to be rather long ones as I�m off of school this week. (I have a one week break between courses). I�m going to try to find something to keep myself busy.

Incidentally a few of my personal friends have asked so if you too are curious as to how my son would react to having a brother or a sister. I think he rather likes being an only child, but I also know that he�s an amazing person and would make any child an amazing big brother.

2:19 p.m. ::
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