cluttering the net since 2001

i'm fresh out of titles

Saturday, Nov. 08, 2003
Ok so BF and I went out tonight. Dinner and a movie. This is a rare treat because we rarely have the same evening off together whereby I don't have child in tow. Not that either of us was or is complaining about that... Just it was nice to sit and eat dinner and then hold hands and intertwine fingers for two hours or so while watching a great movie. It was "Mystic River". Great flick. I really liked it, brought me close to tears a few times...great storyline even though quite disturbing.

Best parts of the evening... sitting on my truckbed enjoying a beautiful evening with some starbucks coffee waiting ten minutes to walk into the movies...noticing someone parked a motorcycle in front of a car pulled into a parking spot, as if the car was protecting the motorcycle inside the spot. This reminded me of how ex used to park my former honda prelude in front of the truck so they wouldn't repo it in the middle of the night. Why was this a good moment...I looked over at BF and realized just how much my life has changed. I never worry about such financial worries. Yes sometimes I whine because I want $100 play money to blow on nothing stuff...but the electricity is on everyday and I don't stress about much in the way of bills. Next best moment...those few moments when I put my head down on his stomach while lying on the bed...his cologne...the calm of it all...

Next great moment of the evening....when I found out that my son was off having a great time rollerblading at the rink. go bucky!

Plans for the weekend...Bucky Bucky and more Bucky. We're buying him a guitar so he can start taking lessons. We're stockpiling up on jewelry making jazz so we can make his grandma a bracelet with a ladybug on it. (yah ex's mother who I will never speak to again....but it makes Bucky happy to do nice things for Grandma...so Mommy helps.) I'm hoping we have excellent success with our new craft.

BF bought me a craft book with all these great crafting ideas in it. Once a month they will send more cards with more ideas...awww. The man pays attention to what I like to do. :-)

Furthermore I'm gonna clean up the apartment, stock up on necessities, look for a few new pretty things for around here, wash my truck, hit this little local church jubilee across the street with kiddo and basically chill with my best partner in time. I love that kid!


p.s. don't end your cellphone contract early even if you didn't sign anything...the contract is legal the minute you call someone on that free phonage!!
1:48 a.m. ::
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