cluttering the net since 2001

self publishing...just admit it

Wednesday, Nov. 06, 2002
Self publishing is not necessarily a bad thing. But at least admit that that�s what you did, if that�s what you did. Why not admit that sometimes you have to tout your own talent to get anyone interested in it? Yeah, cause �well..yeah. It�s not a half bad idea. I suppose you still have to have an audience somewhere or else you�d have to sell all of em to your grandma.
http://www.iuniverse.com/ is not a bad thing. I would admit it though. For a mere $159 I could be a published author. Ain�t life grand? So much education and yet�no employment. I wonder if the government has grants for self publishing. Perhaps iuniverse takes food stamps? I�ll have to check into that�.oh wait, I�m not on food stamps. But even I can save up $159. First I need $10.95 plus shipping and tax so I can line my son�s hamster cage this week.

By the way, I didn�t say a word to you. This is mine! Mine! And it was free! And in certain circles you can even sell a copy of your diary for $10 and someone will happily buy it.

How much self control do you have? Can you contain your anger? Might I suggest http://www.angermgmt.com/

Thanks and have a nice day! ;-)

1:58 p.m. ::
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