cluttering the net since 2001

thanks for the memories

Friday, Jan. 05, 2007
A lot of things change while we�re watching, but we don�t realize until they�ve changed.

A year ago

Keith in 2005

More recently

the kid and the dog

If I could post a picture of my soul from five years ago and then a picture of my soul now, it would be akin to the difference between black and white with the white being now. Because of these changes I have decided to change what I am doing online to some extent by starting anew. I am currently working on moving my blog. I have finally bought a domain and I�m going to �have to� learn css in this process. I have set up two separate blogs and will be working towards mapping them into one solid url at the domain site I have finally purchased myself.

I debated and debated about this for a long time, but it�s time for a change. I have been on diaryland for five solid years and these years will always be very special to me. However, in that amount of time there has been little growth in the way of options provided to the diaryland user. I have grown tired of the slow servers, poor guestbook service, etc. etc. I have also changed so much in the last five years and find it rather disgusting that I don�t have the option to print and save the last five years here on one of those blog printing services because the diaryland formatting is not conducive to those services. I would have loved nothing more than to have saved this part of my life in book form if only to read it someday and further realize just how much I have changed in the last five years. Maybe I�m meant to put it in the past and move on, at least that�s the conclusion I have drawn for myself.

I haven�t yet decided if I am going to announce here where my new digs will be, but I can tell you that if you write to me and I �know� who you are definitively I will never hide from you. I�m sure on some level it will be hard to let go of trulypoetic and PoeticaL because I have been Poetical for over five years now, but recently someone left me a comment and told me I didn�t even write poetry anymore and there is some truth to that because I barely have time to breath anymore without a schedule and a plan to do so. That side of me is not lost forever, however that side of me is just one side of me.

The girl who cried every single night about her miserable marriage�that girl is remarried to someone she loves. The girl who wrote endless little lyrical poetic�s is still there, but she�s buried under piles of books and a million other �must do� lists involving change and future success as a person. I am grateful for all of the experiences and growth that have come out of my sharing the darkest hours and day�s of my life here. I have been blessed by so many different experiences and interactions with so many people and my hope is that as I move I don�t lose those interactions. I know that it�s harder when someone leaves diaryland to keep track of when they update, etc. but there are many services like kinja and bloglines that can help with that too. I am positive I will log in and read blogs here, however I have noticed in recent times that most of my list states �hasn�t updated in over 3 months� as everyone migrates elsewhere for more options in the blog world.

I would be completely remiss if I did not thank BraN for his assistance with all of my �real website� questions. He�s been my friend since before poetical and trulypoetic and the day�s when I could barely construct a html link. I will probably never have the dynamo blog and I don�t care for that. I just want to document where I�ve been so that I never forget. So much of who I am is scattered across diaryland.





Different parts of me�all over the place. My hope is to consolidate all parts of who I am in one place. But the �who� of who I am today is a more consolidated person than I was in the past.

I don�t know that this is my absolute last post here�as I work through the ups and downs of putting a blog together on a real domain, I may be here again to further update you about where and how to find me (this is a decision I have yet to make)�.but since the domain is up and running (albeit a little sparse) I will begin anew there.

Hold my life one last time..a good day is any day that you're alive - Paul Westerberg

10:14 a.m. ::
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